Join me live on Zoom on May 29th!



with Gabrielle Touchette

It's been a while since you've heard from me, and that's because I've been putting something exciting together for you: a free webinar!

Not Just Photo Tips

If you struggle to take photos of yourself, I'll share an easy-to-follow method that anyone can implement right away to start taking self-portraits that stand out.

Meet Your Teachers

I partnered with Ian Efford, a marketing coach, and we're joining our expertise to help you level up your social media profile: both your photo and your bio!

You'll learn how to take a pro-looking profile photo of yourself (yes, with just your phone!) and Ian will help you write attention-grabbing bios.

When is it?

The live webinar is on May 29th at 10am PST / 12pm CST / 1pm EST.

Click on the button to reserve your spot!

The reason to make art is to innovate and self-express, show something new, share what’s inside, and communicate your singular perspective. Rick Rubin, The Creative Act

Taking a self-portrait is like making art. Learning how to express your unique self, share what's inside and communicate your perspective is powerful.

And yes, you can do all this with one, intentionally-created photo of yourself.

Stop blending in, and start making an impact.

Your bio photo, after all, is often the first impression you make on social media.

Learn how to create impactful selfies and bios that showcase your unique skills and qualities.

I can't end this e-mail without giving you a quick photo tip:

---> Half the battle to making a great photo is done in the editing.

Straight of camera, not edited:

Edited in Lightroom Mobile:

Although this photo was taken in good light, there was still more work to be done in Lightroom to get it to pop and feel more polished.

This is how I edited this photo:

  1. Increased exposure (make it brighter! +1.00 if you have to!)
  2. Increased contrast (make it punchy! ... but not too much)
  3. Increase the Shadows slider and reduce the Blacks slider (this adds extra depth to the shadow areas that you can't get any other way)
  4. Blur the background (I did with the premium version of Lightroom Mobile)
  5. Increase the Texture and Clarity sliders by about +20 each (this adds a crispiness that I love)
  6. Increase the sharpening and reduce the noise (Always, always. I don't even think about not doing this.)

And that's it!

Try it on your next self-portraits with your phone camera and see how you can get a muddy-looking, bland photo to look bright and high-impact.

Check out my highest engaged post on Instagram in the last 30 days:

I hope you are enjoying your corner of the world with your phone camera this week! Wherever you are, in cherry blossoms or lush greenery or a concrete jungle, remember to take photos whenever inspiration strikes.

And don't forget to take the time to play with editing in Lightroom Mobile. I'm doing a lot of that this week, thanks to all the warm weather we're having in Winnipeg!

Happy adventures,


Gabrielle Touchette Photography | PO Box 46, Winnipeg, MB R2H 3B4
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Level Up Your Phone Photography

Simplified and actionable photo tips, with a dash of creative inspiration, to improve your phone photography skills. Learn how to create consistently good, wow-factor photos with the phone camera you already own. No expensive gear needed. Distilled from 17 years of professional photography expertise.

Read more from Level Up Your Phone Photography

LEVEL UP YOUR PHONE PHOTOGRAPHY WITH GABRIELLE TOUCHETTE ••• Welcome to Week 2 of 2025! In today's e-mail, you'll get: PHOTO TIP OF THE WEEK: how to backup your iPhone photos INSPIRATION OF THE WEEK: train your eye to take more attractive photos PHOTO OF THE WEEK: night photos with (and without!) a tripod RESOURCES YOU MIGHT LIKE: starry night sky tutorial PHOTO TIP: How to backup your iPhone photos I’m a huge fan of making sure my digital files are backed up, especially photos. As a...

LEVEL UP YOUR PHONE PHOTOGRAPHY WITH GABRIELLE TOUCHETTE ••• Welcome to Week 1 of 2025! In today's e-mail, you'll get: PHOTO TIP OF THE WEEK: get into the habit of printing your photos INSPIRATION OF THE WEEK: my most cherished possession PHOTO OF THE WEEK: experimenting is greater than perfection RESOURCES YOU MIGHT LIKE: 50% off upcoming workshop PHOTO TIP: Transform your photo overload into printed books I can’t start a new year without talking about printing photos. Taking photos of...

LEVEL UP YOUR PHONE PHOTOGRAPHY WITH GABRIELLE TOUCHETTE ••• In my professional photography work, I'm known for photos that are sharp, bright and vibrant. My professional photos: The very same techniques that I used to take the above photos, I also apply to my phone photography to get my photos sharp and bright. My iPhone photos: So what's the not-so-secret secret? 3 things: NUMBER 1 - LOTS OF LIGHT. Prioritize taking photos in bright light. The brighter the light (in other words: the most...