The worst beginner mistake is also the easiest to fix



with Gabrielle Touchette

There is a vast difference between taking a picture and making a photograph. -Robert Heinecken

Often, the worst mistake beginner photographers make is also the easiest to fix.

This is good news. It means you can go from the bottom to the top pretty quickly with this one change:


One of the most common mistakes phone photographers make is not getting into the habit of editing their photos.

If you can commit a couple minutes to editing your photos in Lightroom before posting them, I promise they will start standing out above the rest.

Here's proof that editing makes all the difference:

unedited iPhone photo

edited in Lightroom

unedited iPhone photo

edited in Lightroom

unedited iPhone photo

edited in Lightroom

unedited iPhone photo

edited in Lightroom

unedited iPhone photo

edited in Lightroom

So where do you start in Lightroom?

These are the 5 editing adjustments I do every time:

  1. adjust exposure (your photo may need to go brighter, or it may need to go darker.)
  2. increase contrast (rarely does your photo need less contrast. So bump it up.)
  3. adjust white balance (you may prefer your photo to have a warmer glow, or you may prefer a colder look. Use the Temp slider to add more blue or yellow.)
  4. a boost of texture (most photos can benefit from this. Explore it with the Texture and Clarity sliders)
  5. "polish" your photo (add sharpening and noise reduction to finish it)

These 5 steps are the easy beginning to making your photos look more pro. Try it for yourself! Lightroom Mobile is free. So you basically have nothing to lose.

If you can add Lightroom to your photography routine, you'll be ahead of most phone photographers. It's that simple.

Intimidated by Lightroom? Don't be! Watch me edit a photo and create a preset here:

Happy editing!


PS: Want to go deeper? Learn how to transform your phone photography into a creative habit for life. I'll show you how I use my phone to create stunning photos. Take the deep dive here.

PO Box 46, Winnipeg, MB R2H 3B4
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Level Up Your Phone Photography

Simplified and actionable photo tips, with a dash of creative inspiration, to improve your phone photography skills. Learn how to create consistently good, wow-factor photos with the phone camera you already own. No expensive gear needed. Distilled from 17 years of professional photography expertise.

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